Apiary Laws and Regulations

A list with links to Tulare County Ordinances, Ca DPR Regulations and CDFA Laws pertaining to bees, apiaries, and honey.

Apiary Locations Request Form for Seedless Mandarin Growers

Seedless Mandarin Growers may use this form to request location information for any apiaries located within two (2) miles of your registered seedless mandarins.  Location information will only be provided on apiaries whose owner/operator has waived their right to confidentiality.  There may be other apiaries within 2 miles, however, if the beekeeper has not waived his/her right to confidentiality then we cannot provide you with their information.

Mandarin Growers Registration Form

Registration form for Seedless Mandarin Growers who want to register their Seedless Mandarins in accordance with the Seedless Mandarin and Honey Bee Co-existence Regulations.  Please read the introductory letter prior to completing a registration form.  Complete an Apiary Locations Request Form for Seedless Mandarin Growers if you would like us to send you information on apiaries within 2 miles of your registered Seedless Mandarins.