2025 Phenoxy Herbicide Cutoff
Notices of Intent via E-mail
NOI: Research Authorization Notice of Intent
Chlorpyrifos - Proposed Health Protections (Use Restrictions)

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment are pursuing health protections (use restrictions/permit conditions) for chlorpyrifos.  Users of chlorpyrifos should review the proposed permit conditions and participate in the public comment period.

Seedless Mandarin and Honey Bee Co-existence Regulations

California Department of Pesticide Regulations 1430.54 - 1430.57.  Seedless Mandarin and Honey Bee Co-existence Regulation, effective February 24, 2010.

Propane Gun & Other Noise-Making Devices - Guidelines for use

The following facts and guidelines will assist in making the determination as to whether the use of exploding-cannon noise making devices is likely to be effective and whether they are being used in conformance with accepted practices.